2022 Session 43: Art Project

  • Itsekiri NextGen Project: 2022 Session 43 Report
  • Topic: Art project
  • Date: Saturday 13/11/2022 
  • Volunteers Present: 4
  • Total Number of Attendees: 55
  • Timings: 09:00am – 1:00pm
  • Venue: Former Caravan 4, Aja-Pessu (Pessu Town), Warri
  • Main Topic/Activity:  Paper craft
  • Resource Person: Debi Amadedon 


As we mentor the youngsters of Itsekiri NextGen, we also make sure they discover their creative abilities. We make them aware of the fact that they can be creative, even in an eco-friendly way. This can be done by up-cycling.

Session Delivery

After the opening prayer was said to begin the 43rd session, the Itsekiri anthem was sung. Then a quick recap of the indoor games and it’s benefits (previous session) was done.

Itsekiri NextGen project is privileged to has as one of its volunteers Mr. Debi Amadedon who is an artist. He facilitated the 43rd session as it was centred on the art project.

He narrowed the project to paper craft.

Paper is a collection of crafts using paper or cards as the primary artistic medium for the creation of two or three-dimensional objects. Different craft works like greeting cards, roses, houses E.t.c can be made with paper.  

 The items used for paper crafts are as follows;

  • Plain Cardboard paper usually comes in lighter colours like white, yellow, light blue, light pink and light green.
  • Embossed cardboard often comes in darker colours like red, dark green, dark blue, orange, purple etc.
  • Scissors in both big and smaller sizes.
  • Cutter.
  • Glue.
  •  Pencil
  • Colour pencil
  • Glitter pen

The participants were encouraged to do up-cycling by getting used cartoons and packs which can be beautifully crafted to make all forms of paper craft. This way, they are transforming waste materials or unwanted products into new materials with greater artistic and environmental value. This hereby makes the artwork eco-friendly.

The facilitator showed the participants how to make a pop-up card. This can be done by first getting a plain Cardboard of any colour, then cut to size. The cardboard will be folded into two equal halves. From the folded point, a horizontal line will be drawn on a quarter part of the cardboard. Then vertical lines of 3cm each will be drawn up to the vertical line. Here, the horizontal line serves as the border to the vertical lines. After a plain bar, the next vertical bar will be shaded. 

The shaded bar will be cut up to the horizontal border. Then a front and back fold will be done on all the parts that are cut. Then the card will be opened and the cutout part pops out. This can be used to make different pop-up patterns.

Embossed cardboard will be cut half an inch bigger than the plain Cardboard and folded into two equal halves. 

After which gum will be applied to the edge of the pop-up cardboard but minding the pop-up parts. That part must be closed.

Choiced designs and inscriptions can be applied to the card afterwards. 

The participants were excited to learn the craft skills as they were made to know it is also beneficial to their entrepreneurship skills. They make handmade cards for their friends for a certain amount. As Christmas is around the corner, they can as well make Christmas cards and sell them to people.

Key activities during the session 

The participants made different designs of pop-up cards with beautifully crafted ‘I love ING’ on them. The ING means Itsekiri NextGen.


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