2023 Session 13 Report – Information Communication and Technology

  • Itsekiri NextGen Project: 2023 Session 13 Report
  • Topic: Information Communication and Technology
  • Date: Saturday, 22nd April 2023
  • Volunteers Present: 6
  • Total Number of Attendees: 57
  • Timings: 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
  • Venue: Former Caravan 4, Aja-Pessu (Pessu Town), Warri
  • Resource Person: Kingsley Diden


The 2023 Session 13 of the Itsekiri NextGen Project focused on Information Communication and Technology (ICT). The session aimed to emphasize the significance of ICT in our daily lives and its increasing importance in our society. Basic digital literacy has been integrated into our curriculum, and regular ICT sessions are conducted to empower participants with essential digital skills.

Session Delivery:

The session began with a brief introduction, including an opening prayer by Besinfe Etuwewe and the singing of the Itsekiri anthem by Misan Gbubemi, two of our enthusiastic participants. A quick recap of the previous session’s topic, “bead making,” was also done to set the context.

Kingsley Diden was introduced as the facilitator for the day. He initiated the session by engaging the participants in a discussion about the components of hardware and software, which was the topic covered in the previous ICT session. This served as a refresher for the attendees and helped transition them smoothly into the day’s activities. The facilitator emphasized the importance of ICT and its role as a crucial aspect of modern society, opening up a world of possibilities and opportunities for everyone.

To facilitate hands-on learning, participants were divided into small groups, and each group was provided with a laptop. While the number of laptops was limited, this arrangement allowed everyone to practice and engage with the activities.

The main activity of the session involved each team practising specific tasks on the laptops, including highlighting, deleting, spacing, using caps lock, and changing font size and colours. Additionally, the importance of regularly saving their work was emphasized to avoid data loss.

A valuable teachable moment arose when a member of “Team Erejuwa II” accidentally deleted their work. Fortunately, since they had followed the practice of saving their work, it was easily retrieved. This incident highlighted the significance of saving work on computers and reinforced the lesson to all participants.

After the initial session with Kingsley Diden, the baton was passed to Oritseweyinmi Thomas Igbineweka to continue the session. In preparation for a future elevator pitch session, three participants were invited to present their understanding of the session’s content professionally, with three other participants acting as judges.

During the elevator pitch practice, mistakes were corrected, and the participants were encouraged to repeat the exercise until they demonstrated improvement.

One of the standout judges, Tosan Ejuoghanranmakelesan, provided valuable feedback, pointing out both the weaknesses and strengths of each presenter. She praised Okpeyemi’s presentation for being bold and confident, despite being the youngest among the presenters.

Other Key Activities During the Session:

In addition to the main ICT activities, preparations for the upcoming elevator pitch session were made.

Challenges Faced:

One of the primary challenges during the session was the insufficient number of laptops available to cater to all participants, which affected the one-on-one experience for some individuals.

Despite this limitation, the session was a success, and participants gained valuable insights into the world of ICT and its relevance in their lives. The Itsekiri NextGen Project continues to make strides in empowering the community with essential skills and knowledge for a brighter future.

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