Session 34: Charity Day

  • Itsekiri NextGen Project: 2022 Session 34 Report
  • Topic: Charity day
  • Date: Saturday 10/09/2022 
  • Volunteers Present: 4
  • Total Number of Attendees: 54
  • Timings: 9:00am – 1:00pm
  • Venue: Former Caravan 4, Aja-Pessu (Pessu Town), Warri
  • Main Topic/Activity: Charity day
  • Resource Person: Itsekiri NextGen team 


Itsekiri Nextgen marked the world’s charity day in her own way, as the 5th of September was UN charity day. We made it reflected in our 34th session and backed it up with a show of love to some indigent of Pessu community.

Session Delivery

The session began with an opening prayer by the project coordinator. Then Tobi came up for the Itsekiri anthem. 

A quick recap was done on the previous session by the coordinator. This was to refresh the mind of participants on the effect of negative peer pressure and the need to contend.

Itse Mirabel Ukubeyinje anchored the main session as she took them through the importance of charity work. 

She emphasized that charity must be done cheerfully not grudgingly as the size of what to give does not matter as long it is done with love.

As we give out to people, we get rewards which sometimes come directly or immediately but other times, it comes indirectly and not immediately.

Itsekiri Nextgen felt the show of love as they were gifted storybooks by an organisation. The book is titled ‘Full moon’  and it is authored by Pharm Oduwole Samuel Femi.

To buttress the importance of charity, Uwala Tedeye told a story of a woman and a beggar. The beggar meets the woman for food on a daily basis.  This woman got tired of doing good which resulted in doing badly. She decided to poison the food he prepared for the beggar. But because the beggar shares his food and sometimes gives out all the food he gets from begging to someone else who is in need, the poison did not harm him. 

He passed on the poisoned food to another hungry man coming from a far journey. The man happened to be the son of the woman who poisoned the food. The woman ended up killing her own son.

The above story brought consciousness to the Participants that charity pays.

Emmanuel Egbe came up to tell participants about the visit to some indigents of Pessu community. That they are to comport themselves and move down in an orderly manner.

Key activities during the session 

Charity they say begins at home. As Pessu community happens to be our home, we went to the community to show real love to some people who do not have too much.  

This shows that Itsekiri NextGen backs up its words with actions as we walk the talk.

With the show of love, participants presented tokens to three people in the company of the volunteers and coordinator. Omatsola Okpeyeaghan was on standby to introduce the organisation to all the beneficiaries. 

The smile on their faces reflected the joy in their heart. It was obvious to all, which made passers-by watch as these beneficiaries showered Itsekiri NextGen with a series of prayers in Itsekiri.

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