Summary Report on Examination Support Services
by admin · April 15, 2022
- Itsekiri NextGen Project: 2022 Session 14 Report
- Topic: Examination Support Services
- Date: Saturday 9/04/2022
- Volunteers Present: 7
- Total Number of Attendees: 65
- Timings: 9:00am – 12:00pm
- Venue: Former Caravan 4, Aji Pessu, Warri
- Main Topic/Activity: Examination Support Services
- Resource Person: Itse Mirabel Ukubeyinje
The 13th session of the Itsekiri NextGen project focused on examination support services for our participants in preparation for their forthcoming exams. We designed the session to include activities that provide academic mentorship, emotional support and assistance in developing effective examination preparation strategies before, during and after an examination. Preparing for and writing examinations can be stressful for most people and can equally affect their confidence. Some students even struggle to overcome their phobia of examination, instead, they become anxious, which could influence their mood. Furthermore, exam phobia can impact their educational achievement. As a result of this, we decided to dedicate this session to providing support as our youngsters enter the examination season.
- Our students setting up before the session
- Our students setting up before the session
- Students enjoying the session on examination support services
- Itse Mirabel Ukubeyinje during the session
- Itse Mirabel Ukubeyinje during the session
- Itse Mirabel Ukubeyinje during the session
- Itse Mirabel Ukubeyinje during the session
- Itse Mirabel Ukubeyinje during the session
- Itse Mirabel Ukubeyinje during the session
- Itse Mirabel Ukubeyinje during the session
- Itse Mirabel Ukubeyinje during the session
- Current leaders of the 4 groups
- Students during the session
Session Delivery
The session began with a review of the previous session on autism Awareness and sustainable development goal No. 8 which is about decent work and economic growth.
We proceeded to the topic of the day, which is the examination support service. The service acts as a guide or assistance for their educational pursuit as they grow from one stage to the other. This will be helpful as they prepare for their current and other future examinations.
Our facilitator for the day; Itse Mirabel Ukubeyinje, advised the participants to take advantage of the different types of examination support systems currently available to them. The types of examination support systems provided are as follows;
- Syllabus: this is an outline of and summary of topics to be covered. It serves as a learning guide. The participants were advised to refer to their respective syllabus as they prepare for their exams. This is to ensure that all relevant content has been covered during their revision process.
- Timetabling: Itse further encouraged the participants to have a personal study timetable, which they will need to take seriously. They also need to stick to class and examination timetables to take the right books to school, as well as prepare adequately for examination.
- Study groups: Itse also encouraged the participants to have a circle of peers and/or friends that whom they discuss academic activities with. The idea is to study together as a group and enables those who understand better to teach others while they also improve themselves. E.g. They can attempt past questions together.
- Extra classes: They can register for extra classes or get a personal teacher to take them at home for better understanding. For those who may not be able to afford this option, they can always use the other options available or get help from their uncles or aunts, or even the volunteers at Itsekiri NextGen.
- Study materials: This is important because after being taught, students have to go through the print materials to get more conversant with the topics. This includes textbooks, literature, past questions etc. We want to see them prosper, which necessitated us having our library. As such, we encourage them to borrow books from the Itsekiri NextGen library that they think can help them in their studies.
- Healthy habits: They were advised to eat, exercise and rest well because they have to be strong and healthy at all times to be able to give their academics rapt attention. All participants are to keep a healthy lifestyle.
- Optimistic: All participants were advised to be positive-minded, they should never see any subject as too difficult that they cannot comprehend, nor should they see themselves as failures. They should be hopeful and aspire to be the best in all spheres of life and stay out of examination malpractices. They should give the best version of themselves in all academic and life pursuits.
The session was very interactive as participants discussed their favourite subjects and subjects they struggle with. We discussed ideas on how to overcome the phobia of certain subjects and how they can improve their understanding and mastery of those subjects.
We created a task for the day, which was for the participants to write a personal timetable. The idea is for them to use this at home before, during and after examinations. They were happy to do this.
To boost their confidence, we asked the participants to write five things about themselves on sticky notes. A participant wrote I am beautiful, full of knowledge, wonderfully made, active and supportive. Another wrote that he is contended, obedient, wonderfully made, has a good mind and is special. A striking note reads I am brave, confident, proud to be in Itsekiri NextGen, black in complexion, creative and intelligent.
Other key activities during the session
Participants borrowed books from the Itsekiri NextGen Library in preparation for our next session, focusing on Book Review.